Master Driving School at the 2015 ADTAV general meeting!

ADTAV’s(Australian Driver Trainers Association Victoria Inc) general meeting for 2015. Master driving school directors and instructors all in attendance making sure we always stay on top and ahead in the driver trainer industry.  Guest speakers in attendance: the Minister of roads and road safety the Honorable Luke Donnellan MP discussing the importance of driver training, senior policy officer from Vicroads Eve Mitsopoulos-Rubens discussing the new program (Practical Safe Driving Program) planned to be implemented by Vicroads to encourage professional driver training and its benefits to learners and parents, Jodi Gubana TAC marketing manager going through the “towards zero” campaign and how professional driver training helps to that cause, assistant commissioner Doug Fryer who spoke about road trauma and on how important driver training is for learners, and finally Bri Williams an expert in human behavior discussing how to break bad habits on road.