Driving Instructor Heatherton, Bayside & Inner City

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Driving School Melbourne
Highly Rated Melbourne Driving School

Recommended by 98% of students – 4.9/5



James is a true professional and is passionate about teaching people to drive. James’ nick name in our school is ‘Top Gun’ because he is just magnificent with his work and students. He is on time, always has a clean and inviting car space for all his learner drivers and is just terrific with manual driving instruction. He works the Carlton, Heatherton and Burwood testing areas and delivers training around the inner city, bayside areas. His reviews speak for themselves as he has had so many happy clients who successfully got their manual licences with James on the first go. He loves teaching manual and prefers it because he enjoys the challenge that it brings to his clients and thrives in teaching the method of driving a manual car safely and correctly using the appropriate sequences and gear selections when approaching intersections, traffic lights, high pedestrian traffic areas and bicycle lanes. He believes that students should learn more than what’s required for the driving test criteria, pursuing safe driving as the paramount of ones learning journey within our school and with his training method.